
OrganizeTeams..Getvisibilityofwho,what,whereandwhenacrosstheteam..Communicateefficientlywithfeweremails,messages,Excelsheets,orcopy- ...,合作,協作.PyDict ...,與...合作;與...相配.Dr.eye譯典 ...,大量翻译例句关于teamupwith–英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。,例句·Hedidn'twanttoteamupwithanybody.他不想與任何人合作。·Theywouldnotcooperatewithhim.他們不願與他合作。,TEAMUP...

Homepage - Teamup Calendar for teams

Organize Teams.. Get visibility of who, what, where and when across the team.. Communicate efficiently with fewer emails, messages, Excel sheets, or copy- ...

team up

team up. ph. 合作,協作. PyDict ...

team up with

team up with ... ph. 與...合作; 與...相配. Dr.eye 譯典 ...

team up with - 英中

大量翻译例句关于team up with – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

team up with在線翻譯

例句 · He didn't want to team up with anybody. 他不想與任何人合作。 · They would not cooperate with him. 他們不願與他合作。

TEAM UP中文(簡體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

TEAM UP翻譯:结成一队;合作。了解更多。

TEAM UP中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

to join another person, or form a group with other people, in order to do something together. 結成一隊;合作. They teamed up for a charity performance.

TEAM UP在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯

(of a person or group) to join another person or group, esp. in order to work together to do something: 50 Cent and Jim Sheridan will team up on a new film.

team up在線翻譯

The coach built the team up to a fighting pitch. 教練使全隊振作起來,準備一搏。 查看更多. 辭 ...


音標: [͵tim `ʌp wɪð]; 解釋: 組隊. 例句: Bill is really good at running. We can team up with him for the race. 翻譯: Bill 擅長跑步。我們可以和他組隊參加比賽 ...